2018-01-25 1.11k

2018-01-25 1.31k免费

《Harper’s Bazaar》时尚芭莎是全球著名的时装杂志,创刊于1867年,为女性提供...
2018-01-24 1.79k

2018-01-22 1.43k

GQ (智族)是全球知名的男性时尚生活杂志,1952年创刊。这几乎是一本没有任何...
2018-01-22 1.25k

GQ (智族)是全球知名的男性时尚生活杂志,1952年创刊。这几乎是一本没有任何...
2018-01-22 1.29k

2018-01-22 1.55k

《ELLE》(世界时装之苑)是一本专注于时尚、美容、生活品味的女性杂志。 法国19...
2018-01-22 996

《ELLE》(世界时装之苑)是一本专注于时尚、美容、生活品味的女性杂志。 法国19...
2018-01-22 881

《ELLE》(世界时装之苑)是一本专注于时尚、美容、生活品味的女性杂志。 法国19...
2018-01-22 1.19k

《ELLE》(世界时装之苑)是一本专注于时尚、美容、生活品味的女性杂志。 法国19...
2018-01-22 1.18k

2018-01-22 1.71k

美国彭博商业周刊『Bloomberg Businessweek』─美国最具影响力的商业杂志,自20...
2018-01-21 989

Complementing the much-loved BBC television programme, BBC Sky at Night M...
2018-01-21 1.2k

BBC History Magazine aims to shed new light on the past to help you make ...
2018-01-21 1.14k

English | PDF | 2017 | 163 Pages | ISBN : 3319674854 | 2MB This riveting s...
2018-01-21 2.08k 9.8

2018-01-21 1.2k

2018-01-20 1.27k

Discourse analytic approaches are central to translator training and translation analysis, but have been somewhat overlooked in recent translation studies. This volume sets out to rectify this marginalization.
2018-01-20 1.17k 9.8

Teach students to read arguments critically and to produce effective arguments
2018-01-20 1.13k 9.8

Few concepts are as ubiquitous in the physical world of humans as that of identity. Laws of nature crucially involve relations of identity and non-identity, the act of identifying is central to most cognitive processes, and the structure of human language is determined in many different ways by considerations of identity and its opposite.
2018-01-20 1.09k 9.8

Clear, concise, and packed with lively examples, Essentials of English Grammar, Third Edition, fills you in on general usage rules for parts of speech, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations, numbers, word division, spelling, commonly confused words, and much more. It also includes style guidelines with tips on how to write with economy, clarity, and accuracy.
2018-01-20 1.14k 9.8

In an information landscape where change is the status quo, difficult conversations come with the territory. Being a library leader means knowing how to confidently steer these conversations so that they lead to productive results instead of hurt feelings, resentment, or worse. 
2018-01-20 1.06k 9.8

《纽约客》(The New Yorker)是一份美国知识、文艺类的综合杂志,内容覆盖新...
2018-01-19 940

2018-01-19 1.32k

The New York Times Magazine is a Sunday magazine supplement included with...
2018-01-19 3.2k

New Scientist (新科学家)科技杂志是一个自由的国际化科学杂志,内容关于最...
2018-01-19 1.31k

《National Geographic》是美国国家地理学会的官方杂志,在国家地理学会1888年...
2018-01-19 3.36k

《Marie Claire》是一本点亮全球女性心灵的国际高端女性时装杂志,每月33个国际...
2018-01-19 1.15k

《ELLE》(世界时装之苑)是一本专注于时尚、美容、生活品味的女性杂志。 法国19...
2018-01-19 1.12k


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