经济学人(The Economist)是由英国经济学人集团出版的杂志,创办于1843年9...
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2022-05-16 1.08k 2

2022-05-16 1.08k 2

《纽约客》(The New Yorker),也译作《纽约人》,是一份美国知识、文艺类的综...
2022-05-16 843 1

2022-05-16 633 1

These periodicals contain information about HOT vacation destinations, th...
2022-05-16 633 9.8

From the latest scientific advances to observation advice for amateur ast...
2022-05-16 587 9.8

Have you ever wanted to write a novel or short story but didn't know wher...
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A real-life underdog tale of one man turning the tables on the casinos an...
2022-05-16 612 9.8

The second edition of Introduction to Global Studies offers a succinct an...
2022-05-16 585 9.8

International Relations since 1945 offers undergraduate students a compre...
2022-05-16 655 9.8

Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free...
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Our Course Book (Level 4) is a great reference guide to introduce English...
2022-05-12 679 8.8

Our Course Book (Level 3) is a great reference guide to introduce English...
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Are you looking to brush up on your English idioms?English for Everyone: ...
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Puzzled by past tenses? Confused be comparatives? The English for Everyon...
2022-05-12 626 8.8

The easiest way for kids to learn their first 1,000 German words! This...
2022-05-12 605 9.8


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