Bloomsbury presents Working With Influence by Amanda Nimon-Peters, read b...
2022-07-04 789 9.8

Reexamining history from a female perspective, this book celebrates the p...
2022-07-04 793 9.8

The complex concepts and processes of emerging life are demystified with ...
2022-07-04 763 1

We see numbers on automobile license plates, addresses, weather reports, ...
2022-07-04 731 9.8

Lean Process Creation teaches the specific frames―the 6CON model―to loo...
2022-07-04 697 9.8

Each book in this unique Math Mastery collection developed by experts cov...
2022-07-04 723 9.8

Cognitive Science provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to...
2022-07-04 733 9.8

经济学人(The Economist)是由英国经济学人集团出版的杂志,创办于1843年9...
2022-07-04 2.27k 2

《纽约客》(The New Yorker),也译作《纽约人》,是一份美国知识、文艺类的综...
2022-07-04 1.12k 1


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